Game made for the compo of Ludum Dare 48!

You find yourself deep inside a dungeon, surrounded by very deeply purple colored blocks. To your surprise, you can control them! The more you do it, the deeper the understanding of your power with the hope to master it. 

A short puzzle game where you control the level itself. The theme (Deeper and Deeper) is applied in the way the anecdote describes, the title of the game and the music was made as deep as possible. Collect coins to boost your self-esteem!


- arrow keys: move character

- WASD: move level blocks (once you press one, others are disabled)

- escape: open menu

- R: reset

Things I wanted to do but had no time for:

- more levels 

- more mechanics (pressure plates or player-unpassable terrain)

- undo function

But hey, 48 hours 🤷


Download 45 MB
Download 83 MB
broken WebGL version 22 MB

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